Metasploit documentation: Related CheatSheet: Metasploit

Metasploit architecture


Ruby script files, one for each exploit

Stored usally in:

  • /usr/share/metasploit-framework/modules
  • $HOME/.msf4/modules

Modules sources:


Adds extra functionalities to metasploit

Stored usually in:

  • /usr/share/metasploit-framework/plugins
  • $HOME/.msf4/plugins

Example from

Capture Plugin

msf6 > load capture
[*] Successfully loaded plugin: Credential Capture
msf6 > captureg start --ip
Logging results to /home/smcintyre/.msf4/logs/captures/capture_local_20220325104416_589275.txt
Hash results stored in /home/smcintyre/.msf4/loot/captures/capture_local_20220325104416_612808
[+] Authentication Capture: DRDA (DB2, Informix, Derby) started
[+] Authentication Capture: FTP started
[+] HTTP Client MS Credential Catcher started
[+] HTTP Client MS Credential Catcher started
[+] Authentication Capture: IMAP started
[+] Authentication Capture: MSSQL started
[+] Authentication Capture: MySQL started
[+] Authentication Capture: POP3 started
[+] Authentication Capture: PostgreSQL started
[+] Printjob Capture Service started
[+] Authentication Capture: SIP started
[+] Authentication Capture: SMB started
[+] Authentication Capture: SMTP started
[+] Authentication Capture: Telnet started
[+] Authentication Capture: VNC started
[+] Authentication Capture: FTP started
[+] Authentication Capture: IMAP started
[+] Authentication Capture: POP3 started
[+] Authentication Capture: SMTP started
[+] NetBIOS Name Service Spoofer started
[+] LLMNR Spoofer started
[+] mDNS Spoofer started
[+] Started capture jobs
msf6 >


Metasploit tools are scripts usually developed by third parties that aids during pentest, CTFs and such

The source are stored usually in:

  • /usr/share/metasploit-framework/tools


Metasploit scripts are now deprecated and modules should be used instead

Metasploit architecture in Exegol

Metasploit is not installed in the same way as the ParrotOS is inside Exegol

  • Modules and Plugins are stored inside /root/.msf4/
  • Binaries - such as msfconsole, msfdb or msfvenom - are stored in /opt/metasploit-framework/bin/

Metasploit Payloads


Contains exploit + entire shellcode => Self-contained More stable but bigger than the others


Works with Stages to typically set up a network connection beteen the attacker and victim Designed to be small and reliable Metasploit uses the best stager and less-preferred as fallbacks


Component downloaded by the Stagers w/o size limits such as meterpreter (see Meterpreter for more info about this attack payload) and others

Common Payload Types


generic/customGeneric listener, multi-use
generic/shell_bind_tcpGeneric listener, multi-use, normal shell, TCP connection binding
generic/shell_reverse_tcpGeneric listener, multi-use, normal shell, reverse TCP connection
windows/x64/execExecutes an arbitrary command (Windows x64)
windows/x64/loadlibraryLoads an arbitrary x64 library path
windows/x64/messageboxSpawns a dialog via MessageBox using a customizable title, text & icon
windows/x64/shell_reverse_tcpNormal shell, single payload, reverse TCP connection
windows/x64/shell/reverse_tcpNormal shell, stager + stage, reverse TCP connection
windows/x64/shell/bind_ipv6_tcpNormal shell, stager + stage, IPv6 Bind TCP stager
windows/x64/meterpreter/$Meterpreter payload + varieties above
windows/x64/powershell/$Interactive PowerShell sessions + varieties above
windows/x64/vncinject/$VNC Server (Reflective Injection) + varieties above

Automatic payload selection

Metasploit sets automatically a payload for an exploit. This is the preference list that Metasploit uses to select a payload if there isn't one set for the exploit :

  • windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
  • java/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
  • php/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
  • php/meterpreter_reverse_tcp
  • ruby/shell_reverse_tcp
  • cmd/unix/interact
  • cmd/unix/reverse
  • cmd/unix/reverse_perl
  • cmd/unix/reverse_netcat_gaping
  • windows/meterpreter/reverse_nonx_tcp
  • windows/meterpreter/reverse_ord_tcp
  • windows/shell/reverse_tcp
  • generic/shell_reverse_tcp

Metasploit database

msfconsole has built-in support for PostgreSQL db


Init metasploit database
 sudo msfdb init
Connect to the MSF DB
 sudo msfdb run

Reinitiate the DB

 msfdb reinit
 cp /usr/share/metasploit-framework/config/database.yml ~/.msf4
# Or if your on exegol
 cp /opt/metasploit-framework/config/database.yml /root/.msf4
 sudo servcie postgresql restart
 msfconsole -q


Having the msfdb set up allows the creatoion of Workspaces. Workspaces are pretty useful when dealing with large amount of hosts and data linked to them.

Display available workspaces
msf6> workspace
* default

We can add or delete a workspace with workspace -a and workspace -d

Importing nmap Scan Results

msf6 > db_import host_scan.xml
[*] Importing 'Nmap XML' data
[*] Import: Parsing with 'Nokogiri v1.10.9'
[*] Importing host
[*] Successfully imported ~/host_scan.xml
msf6 > hosts
address      mac  name  os_name  os_flavor  os_sp  purpose  info  comments
-------      ---  ----  -------  ---------  -----  -------  ----  --------             Unknown                    device         
msf6 > services
host         port   proto  name          state  info
----         ----   -----  ----          -----  ----  135    tcp    msrpc         open   Microsoft Windows RPC

Using nmap inside msfconsole

msf6 > db_nmap -sC -sV -Pn --min-rate 10000 -T 5

Export msfdb contents

msf6 > db_export -f xml session_backup.xml

Display stored creds

During interactions with target hosts, gathered creds are stored inside the db. We can list, add manually, delete and match credentials with ports

msf6 > creds -h
With no sub-command, list credentials. If an address range is
given, show only credentials with logins on hosts within that
Usage - Listing credentials:
  creds [filter options] [address range]
Usage - Adding credentials:
  creds add uses the following named parameters.
    user      :  Public, usually a username
    password  :  Private, private_type Password.
    ntlm      :  Private, private_type NTLM Hash.
    Postgres  :  Private, private_type Postgres MD5
    ssh-key   :  Private, private_type SSH key, must be a file path.
    hash      :  Private, private_type Nonreplayable hash
    jtr       :  Private, private_type John the Ripper hash type.
    realm     :  Realm, 
    realm-type:  Realm, realm_type (domain db2db sid pgdb rsync wildcard), defaults to domain.
Examples: Adding
   # Add a user, password and realm
   creds add user:admin password:notpassword realm:workgroup
   # Add a user and password
   creds add user:guest password:'guest password'
   # Add a password
   creds add password:'password without username'
   # Add a user with an NTLMHash
   creds add user:admin ntlm:E2FC15074BF7751DD408E6B105741864:A1074A69B1BDE45403AB680504BBDD1A
   # Add a NTLMHash
   creds add ntlm:E2FC15074BF7751DD408E6B105741864:A1074A69B1BDE45403AB680504BBDD1A
   # Add a Postgres MD5
   creds add user:postgres postgres:md5be86a79bf2043622d58d5453c47d4860
   # Add a user with an SSH key
   creds add user:sshadmin ssh-key:/path/to/id_rsa
   # Add a user and a NonReplayableHash
   creds add user:other hash:d19c32489b870735b5f587d76b934283 jtr:md5
   # Add a NonReplayableHash
   creds add hash:d19c32489b870735b5f587d76b934283
General options
  -h,--help             Show this help information
  -o <file>             Send output to a file in csv/jtr (john the ripper) format.
                        If the file name ends in '.jtr', that format will be used.
                        If file name ends in '.hcat', the hashcat format will be used.
                        CSV by default.
  -d,--delete           Delete one or more credentials
Filter options for listing
  -P,--password <text>  List passwords that match this text
  -p,--port <portspec>  List creds with logins on services matching this port spec
  -s <svc names>        List creds matching comma-separated service names
  -u,--user <text>      List users that match this text
  -t,--type <type>      List creds that match the following types: password,ntlm,hash
  -O,--origins <IP>     List creds that match these origins
  -R,--rhosts           Set RHOSTS from the results of the search
  -v,--verbose          Don't truncate long password hashes
Examples, John the Ripper hash types:
  Operating Systems (starts with)
    Blowfish ($2a$)   : bf
    BSDi     (_)      : bsdi
    DES               : des,crypt
    MD5      ($1$)    : md5
    SHA256   ($5$)    : sha256,crypt
    SHA512   ($6$)    : sha512,crypt
    MSSQL             : mssql
    MSSQL 2005        : mssql05
    MSSQL 2012/2014   : mssql12
    MySQL < 4.1       : mysql
    MySQL >= 4.1      : mysql-sha1
    Oracle            : des,oracle
    Oracle 11         : raw-sha1,oracle11
    Oracle 11 (H type): dynamic_1506
    Oracle 12c        : oracle12c
    Postgres          : postgres,raw-md5
Examples, listing:
  creds               # Default, returns all credentials
  creds    # Return credentials with logins in this range
  creds -O # Return credentials with origins in this range
  creds -p 22-25,445  # nmap port specification
  creds -s ssh,smb    # All creds associated with a login on SSH or SMB services
  creds -t NTLM       # All NTLM creds
  creds -j md5        # All John the Ripper hash type MD5 creds
Example, deleting:
  # Delete all SMB credentials
  creds -d -s smb